SFINCS Finalist Score: Shattered Spirits: The Fall of Ishcairn, by Cal Black

21 Mar 2024

We are near the end of the first SFINCS (Speculative Fiction Novella Championship), and it's time to start doing a recap of the different finalists and announce our final scores.


  It's time to take a look at Shattered Spirits: The Fall of Ishcairn, by Cal Black.  


You can order it using this link

Legends say a dead god is buried under the stone city of Ishcairn, protecting its inhabitants by dashing enemy fleets into the jagged coast of Craeburn. Adjunct professor Corrie Ecksley doesn’t believe any of that, but she knows from her work excavating nearby burial sites that the ancient Craeburn people believed it enough to name the city after their dead god, Ish.

When the ripples of a great war finally reach Craeburn’s shores, a terrifying new weapon is unleashed on the city that not even Ish can deter. A bomb that tears souls from bodies, driving anyone who witnessed the blast insane. But it is not the living that Corrie fears. Displaced spirits are hungry for a body, and care not if it already plays host to a soul.

No bullets can stop them, no walls are thick enough to keep them out.
No help is coming.
No one left but Corrie to stop the carnage, if she even can.

<<Shattered Spirits was an utterly immersive read, and it is impossible to capture that completely here. Especially, as I would not want to spoil the journey that Corrie and the reader go through. However, this book, really nailed all its elements, and my only complaint is that I want more in this world.>> - Rowena, Beneath A Thousand Skies

<<This was an enjoyable novella. The big beats were there, the pace is good, as the character faces more than one issue that’s very time sensitive, and there’s definitely enough that I could have kept reading longer.>> - C.J. Daley, FanfiAddict

Gathering all the scores together, we can announce that the final score for Shattered Spirits: The Fall of Ishcairn from Team Jamreads is:
