Some Thoughts with ... Emma Sterner-Radley

24 Apr 2024

The Author/s

Emma Sterner-Radley

Emma Sterner-Radley

Emma Sterner-Radley is an ex-librarian (with the student debt and caffeine addiction to prove it) turned fantasy author. 

Originally Swedish, she now lives with her wife and two cats in Chester, Great Britain.

She spends her time writing, reading, daydreaming, lifting weights, hanging out online, and watching the gayest TV shows she can find. 

The Interview

1.- Could you introduce yourself to Jamreads’ readers?
Sure! I’m a former librarian now turned full-time fantasy author. I’m Swedish but moved to the UK in 2010 to live with my girlfriend (who has now been my wife for ten glorious years!)

2.- When did you start reading?
I honestly can’t remember ever not reading. Before I could do it myself, though, I was lucky enough to have lots of adults reading to me. Those of you who intend to have kids, read to them. It makes all the difference!

3.- You have an interesting backlist on indie published titles. Could you tell us more about them?
Thank you! I’ve published with small presses and self-pubbed. Some cosy mystery, some romantic fiction, and quite a bit of fantasy. (The latter being my preferred genre.) All of it LGBTQIA+, of course.

4.- Snowblooded is your traditionally published debut, with Solaris. How do you feel about it?
I feel good (and safe with Solaris at my back) but nervous! It’s a very different process.

5.- How was the process since you got the first idea to write Snowblooded, to getting it published?
I was an indie writer when I first came up with it. But this book felt like it needed another arena than small presses or self-pub. So, I got an agent (which is a gruelling process, but worth it) and then was lucky enough to have Snowblooded picked up by the brilliant Solaris Books.

6.- Let’s talk more about the book itself. Scandinavian inspiration can be seen in Vinterstock and the world in general, why did you choose that concrete setting?
I’m Swedish and wanted to shine a light on other parts of our history than just the Viking era. The 1700s were a fascinating time in Sweden, with a lot of change and events that would shape the country for the future. So, I chose that as a starting point and then made my own fantasy version of a 18th century Swedish city.

7.- Snowblooded features a sapphic romance as part of the plot (personally one of my fav aspects); why you decided to add some romance to the story?
I’m very interested in human relationships in general, and writing romance has always been a way for me to explore that. Also, as a homosexual writer, I want to bring more queer relationships into the world of traditionally published books.

8.- Which one of all the characters of Vinterstock would you choose to defend you in a duel?
Hm. Maybe Halcyon. He has Valour’s bold, protective nature but also Petrichor’s talent for strategy and accuracy.

9.- What can we expect from Emma Sterner-Radley in the future?
Good question (which I can’t fully answer)! As a traditionally published author now, everything is in the hands of the publishers. I have queer fantasy books written (one mystery on a Victorian cruise-ship in space, one dark academia story in a Dune-esque setting, and a portal romantasy with a heist) and am waiting to see if any of those will be picked up! I’m also hoping that an American publisher might take a chance on Snowblooded. But one thing’s for sure, whether trad pubbed or indie, I’ll keep writing queer fantasy!