Cover reveal – Godseye by Aaron Bunce and Christopher Guhl

26 Aug 2022

Today we have the pleasure to be hosts for the cover reveal for the second book of Aaron Bunce and Christopher Guhl, Godseye. Their first book will be released in the next few days (August 28th), and its cover was amazing, so I decided to join Escapist Book Company to help reveal the second cover. Let’s first show the first book:


Now, let’s talk a little about Godseye!

Godseye by Aaron Bunce and Christopher Guhl
Series: The Dunes of Aelaron #2
Genre: Fantasy
Intended Age Group: Young Adult
Pages: TBD
Published: Forthcoming (Est. Nov. 22)
Publisher: Autumn Arch Publishing

My name is Vayo and I am no longer a slave.

I ascended, assuming the mantle of Grae god. I wield elemental power, and with Traba, an enormous storm bird at my side, I set out to finally see my people set free.

And yet, I am not the only one wielding unnatural strength. In his desperation, Cyrus brokered a deal with the darkest of the Undergods. If I am to defeat the King and his newfound power, I must locate the other ascendants. Only with them at my side can we restore balance. To find them, I need a relic lost to both time and sand.

The Godseye is the key. But what it shows me might be the biggest surprise yet.

So let’s see this amazing cover they have for us!
