Cover Reveal: Die Young, by Morgan Shank

11 Apr 2024

Welcome to a new cover reveal!

Today we have the pleasure of help reveal the cover of Die Young, the first book in a new fantasy series, the Runeborn Trilogy, written by my friend Morgan Shank (also known by the Low Country books)

Let's take a look at the blurb:

Magon Dross graduated his mage school, the Tower, with flying colors. Then his old schoolmaster burned his runebook and stole his magic.

Now the Tower wants him dead. To spare himself, his family, and his people from danger, Magon must find help and answers. His country approaches international war, and a school of rogue mages could topple everything.

Powerless and on the run, he’ll find help through his childhood friend, his estranged sister, a tribal exile, a violent priest, and the daughter of King Terrus, Freytilia’s most hated man. This makes for a precarious alliance, but it must hold. The Tower's pursuit spreads collateral damage, and as the body count rises and nations flex their muscles, it grows apparent that if the Tower isn’t stopped, every country will fall.

Epic, right? And the cover is at the level for it!

Also, if you want an ARC, here's a handy link

The art and the typography have been done by Jeff Brown (website).


In this post:

Morgan Shank

Morgan Shank

In middle school, I finally broke away from incoherent clumps of algebra to fill a composition notebook with my first handwritten novel. Since then, I've imagined my own Skyrim rather than fumble through objective studies.

For reasons unknown to anyone, I somehow found my way into a trucking gig, and I now enjoy a day job hauling freight. When I'm not trucking or writing, I spend my time dabbling in landscape photography, running Spartan Races, and staring at the mountains that surround my hometown of Harrisonburg, VA, which provide ample inspiration for my fantasy novels.