Cover Reveal: Heralds of a Fallen God, by Mars G. Everson

13 Nov 2023

Welcome to a new cover reveal!

Today we have the pleasure of reveal the cover of the third book on the God Engine series, a series who has been called as Grimdark Sanderson by reviewers. The title of this new book is Heralds of a Fallen God.

Let's take a look at the blurb:

The epic conclusion to "The God Engine" trilogy sets all the players in the same stage for the final showdown. A hidden God will appear, threatening deities and humans alike. The secrets of the Fallen Gods will be revealed, and the destiny of humankind will be defined for good or ill.

This title will go live the 20th December, 2023, so plenty of time to catch up with the trilogy! In case you are interested, you can preorder it with this link, or add it on Goodreads.

The cover has been designed by Miblart; and it has been influenced by Crisis on Infinite Earths, so you can imagine the epic scale of this last book in the trilogy.

Cover of Heralds of a Fallen God. Book 3 of the God Engine Trilogy

In this post:

Mars G. Everson

Mars G. Everson

Mars G. Everson writes Sci-fi, Fantasy, and especially likes mixing both. His favorite authors in those realms are Ursula K. Le Guin, Arthur C. Clarke, J.R.R. Tolkien and Brandon Sanderson. He became a writer mainly so he could put his name in the same paragraph as those writers. Mission Accomplished!

He would like to live in a time where technology is indistinguishable from magic. Luckily, reality is turning that way really fast. The bad part: reality is turning that way really fast.