Cover Reveal: The Ballad of Sprikit the Bard (and Company), by Seán O'Boyle

22 Jan 2024

Welcome to a new cover reveal!

Today we have the pleasure of helping Indie Book Tours to reveal the cover of The Ballad of Sprikit the Bard (and Company), a comedic fantasy, and the debut novel of Seán O'Boyle.

Let's take a look at the blurb:

The Free Lands; a far off fantastical world full of noble warriors, gallant heroes and gentle souls. Sprikit The Bard is precisely none of these things. However he’s not without his own unique qualities. He enjoys the simple things in life; song, merriment and (mostly) victimless swindles.

But this little Bard carries a secret. He has a mission to do, a promise to keep, as an elite force seeks to intercept him. The journey ahead is long and dangerous with hurdles aplenty; monstrous creatures, dastardly villains, laborious hikes and most of all - Sprikit himself.

But he’s not without allies, reluctant and disdainful as they are. Help is help at the end of the day, and By the Notes does he need it. The clock is ticking. The cavalry is coming. And Sprikit The Bard doesn’t know his arse from his elbow.

Bards love to tell tales of adventures, but will Sprikit last long enough to recount his own?

The book is released the 15th March; and you can pre-order this lighthearted fantasy using this link

Time for the cover!


In this post:

Seán O'Boyle

Seán O'Boyle

Sean O'Boyle is an Irish, London-based, writer on his self-publishing journey. Since he was a young lad, he's loved creating stories; whether scribbling short fiction in his school copybooks, or creating dramatic home movies with his toys. He's even dabbled in the fine art of stand up comedy, with about half a dozen sitcom scripts rotting in the forgotten folders of his old laptops.

His love for fantasy grew during lockdown through reading the genre; epic, cozy and everything in between. And from this, his fantasy comedy adventure debut "The Ballad of Sprikit The Bard (And Company)" was born. Described as "Discworld meets Lies of Locke Lamora", he hopes readers will enjoy the characters, world and story he's been building for 3 years. Hopefully they might laugh too (or at least exhale sharply through their noses a few times).