Cover Reveal: The Children of Caos (The Cruel Gods #2), by Trudie Skies

13 Jul 2022
Cover by James T. Egan of Bookfly Design

Thanks to Trudie Skies for giving me and other bloggers the opportunity to reveal this amazing cover by James T. Egan. The Children of Chaos is the second novel in The Cruel Gods series, and it is intended to be released on 13th, October 2022; preorder links are included in the post.

Book Title: The Children of Chaos
Book Subtitle: Book Two of The Cruel Gods
Genre: Gaslamp Fantasy
Age Range: Adult
Content Warnings: Available on my website:
Release Date: October 13, 2022
Preorder Links:
- US:
- UK:
Book Cover Artist: James T. Egan of Bookfly Design
Book Cover Artist Website:
Map Artist: Soraya Corcoran

When the saints call, the sinners answer.

Chaos stalks the steam-powered city of Chime and threatens the existence of the gods and their domains. Kayl swore to protect Chime’s mortals from their gods’ cruel whims, but when she agrees to represent the mortals of a god long thought dead, Kayl is thrust into a political role that goes against everything she’s ever stood for.

As the newly appointed ambassador to the god of time, Quen’s goal is clear – protect Chime and the domains by any means necessary. But as the gods make their demands, Quen is caught between his loyalties and his conscience.

To ensure a future for all mortals, Kayl and Quen must unite the gods against the threat of chaos and decide what they’re willing to sacrifice for Chime – before the gods choose for them.

For the gods are capricious and have their own divine plans.

Map by Soraya Corcoran

In this post:

Trudie Skies

Trudie Skies

Trudie Skies has been living inside fantasy worlds ever since she discovered that reality doesn’t quite live up to the hype. Through the magic of books, she wishes to share these worlds of hope and heroes with other weary souls. Living in North East England, Trudie spends most of her free time daydreaming about clouds, devouring whatever fantasy books or video games she can get her hands on, and chasing after her troublesome dogs, who would like to reassure you they are very good boys.

Her debut YA fantasy series, Sand Dancer, was published through Uproar Books. Trudie is now writing adult gaslamp fantasy with her new series, The Cruel Gods.