Cover Reveal: The Genesis of Change, by Livia J. Elliot

17 Jun 2024

Welcome to a new cover reveal!

Today we have the pleasure of help reveal the cover of The Genesis of Change, book 0,5 in the Records of the Order series, written by the talented Argentinian author Livia J. Elliot.

Let's take a look at the blurb:

Élan; the chaos-tamer, the record-breaker. Verve; the one behind the rise and fall of thousands of civilisations. Two alchemists, each sent on a mission by the leader of The Orders—The Rector.

Élan must shatter their mentee’s humanity to train her as an alchemist, while Verve must define the unexplainable existing within a respected healer. When their missions reveal clues that could reformulate alchemy, they’ll edge closer to fathom The Rector’s goal while facing an endless conundrum—to remain as is, or to learn and adapt.

The genesis of change is near.

The Genesis of Change is scheduled to be released the 16th of July.

You can already add it to Goodreads and Storygraph

It will be released on E-book (you could get it for free subscribing to Livia's newsletter), Paperback (from Amazon), and Audiobook (on August-September).

The cover has been designed by the own Livia J. Eliot, as the maps and the three illustrations included.

The Genesis of Change, by Livia J. Elliot

In this post:

Livia J. Elliot

Livia J. Elliot

Livia J. Elliot is an Australian-based author of psychological, dark fantasy fiction with heavy theme work. She writes books, and also books-with-choices available through the app Unearthed Stories. She hosts the podcast Books Undone, specialised in deep-dives and thematic analyses of speculative fiction.