Cover Reveal: Under Far Galaxian Skies, by Natalie Kelda

6 Mar 2024

Welcome to a new cover reveal!

Today we have the pleasure of help reveal the cover of Under Far Galaxian Skies, the first book in a new trilogy in the Inner Universe series, a science fantasy proposal by Natalie Kelda.

Let's take a look at the blurb first:

Balfour has committed the ultimate crime: the murder of his sister’s boyfriend. It doesn’t matter that it was accidental.

Sentenced to working as ship labourer, Balfour is convinced he deserves it when he's captured by pirates and forced to a distant galaxy. He barely escapes enslavement, fleeing into a city more deadly than anything he’s ever known.

Venomous reptiles hunt him. Iron-fisted tarilla chiefs are on the brink of war.

Balfour must adapt quickly or prepare for a slow, torturous death in the hands of people more bloodthirsty than the Star-Eaters of old.

But the biggest threat is his lingering self-loathing. If he can't fight through it, nothing else will matter — because he won’t live long enough to see it.

As the first book in a new trilogy, Under Far Galaxian Skies is an excellent book to start in the Inner Universe series, or even to return, as it features some known faces from previous books.

The book can be pre-ordered now (have a handy link), and ARCs are available in BookHip until the end of March. The book will be released the 23rd of March.

The cover has been designed by Sophie Edwards (@lillebebooks)

Under Far Galaxian Skies, by Natalie Kelda

In this post:

Natalie Kelda

Natalie Kelda

Danish by birth, Natalie Kelda now lives in the green hills of Yorkshire, UK. She spends her evenings writing, drawing, and creating while only mildly hindered by her adventure cat, Barry.

Natalie has been an active Viking reenactor, advanced martial artist and avid horse rider. She loves to take on new challenges - especially if the activities build experiences that can help with writing the next story or the one after.

Storytelling and inventing new worlds has been a part of Natalie’s life since before she could read or write. Nowadays she mostly writes in English but you’ll often discover hints of her native Danish or some of the other languages she has picked up along the way.