A Tyranny of Queens (Manifold Worlds #2), by Foz Meadows
28 Jan 2025The Book

Saffron Coulter has returned from the fantasy kingdom of Kena. Threatened with a stay in psychiatric care, Saffron has to make a choice: to forget about Kena and fit back into the life she’s outgrown—or pit herself against everything she’s ever known and everyone she loves.
Meanwhile, in Kena, Gwen is increasingly troubled by the absence of Leoden—the cruel ruler of the kingdom—and his plans for the captive worldwalkers. Elsewhere, Yena must confront the deposed Kadeja in Veksh. What is their endgame? Who can they trust? And what will happen when Leoden returns?
My Review
A Tyranny of Queens is the second and final book in the Manifold Worlds duology, written by Foz Meadows, and published by Angry Robot Books. A great follow up to An Accident of Stars, more plot-driven as it builds in the foundations put by the previous book, a sequel that puts together many of the loose ropes to create a compelling story that touches themes such as heroism, resilience and how to survive after abuse.
Saffron returned from Kena scarred and changed, but now has to return to normal life; if she doesn't fit back into what people expect from her, she would be interned into a psychiatric ward. That would mean being against all she learnt and forgetting about those she loved; and we soon will see a Saffi that rebels against authority, and more importantly, fighting for what she considers fair, even if that means putting herself in a difficult spot: one that would put her in her way back to Kena, a journey that won't be easy as she will need to traverse the Nexus.
Meanwhile in Kena, things are still in shambles. After the disappearing of Leoden, Gwen must find what were his plans for the worldwalkers he kept captive; Yena needs to confront her sister's murderer, but also needs to exert and recover her rights as a Queen's sister. The wheels are turning, and they will need to move carefully.
In comparison with the first instalment, we have a faster and tighter-plot novel; alternating between Saffi's journey and the people in Kena. Particularly, I found Saffi's return to Earth to be a quite compelling storyline, especially when she's dealing with bullying and rejecting to not confront them; Saffi grew so much in Kena, and that is reflected in this particular aspect. While I didn't connect as much with Gwen on this occasion, Yena's arc is also excellent, intense, but which also depicts how to be brave against adversity. As said, Meadows has a great touch at writing well-fleshed characters, and that is shown in this novel.
Using a faster pacing doesn't affect the quality of the worldbuilding, as Meadows takes the foundations layered in the first instalment to continue developing Kena's folklore and traditions; we even have the opportunity to learn much more about the origins of this world and how the Nexus works. There were some points that could have been not clear in the first instalment that are made sense in this second part.
A Tyranny of Queens is the cherry on the top of the Manifold Worlds duology, an excellent sequel that gives us the ending we needed. If you want a great portal fantasy, well-fleshed characters and an incredible worldbuilding, be sure to pick the full series, you won't regret it.
The Author/s

Foz Meadows
Foz Meadows is a queer fantasy author, essayist, reviewer and poet; their work has been published in venues such as Apex Magazine, Goblin Fruit and The Huffington Post. They are a four-time Hugo Award nominee for Best Fan Writer, which they won in 2019; they also won the 2017 Ditmar Award for Best Fan Writer, for which they are a three-time nominee. In 2017, their portal fantasy An Accident of Stars was a finalist for the Bisexual Book Awards, and in 2018, their queer Shakespearean novella Coral Bones won the Norma K. Hemming Award in the short fiction category. Their most recent novel, A Strange and Stubborn Endurance, is a queer romantic fantasy published by Tor; the sequel, All the Hidden Paths, is due for release in December 2023, while another queer fantasy novella, Finding Echoes, is due for a late 2023 release with Neon Hemlock.