Badon Hill (The Wars of Wrath #2), by I, Anonymous

11 Aug 2022

The Book

Badon Hill
Series: The Wars of Wrath
Pages: 315
Age Group: Adult
Published on 25 Aug 2022
Publisher: Self Published
Historical FictionFantasy
Available on:




In Byzantine-occupied North Africa, Princess Sabra, must now contend with new threats. The arrival of her father and the high priest Ierna brings new dangers and new conspiracies.

As treachery brews on the sands of Lybia; far to the north in Britain, the battle for the island is at hand.

While the arrival of the newly crowned Arthur Pendragon gives new hope to the outnumbered Briton forces, it also brings new conflicts. Now if they are to survive the coming battle, and defeat the Saxons, the Briton lords will need to put aside old hatreds and bitter rivalries.

Complicating matters is Arthur’s impending marriage to George’s former lover, Gwenivier of Camliard. Now with the Saxon army fast approaching the prince of Cear Celemion and the future queen of Camelot must come to terms; both with each other and the ghosts of their shared past.

As George and Sabra both move towards their inevitable confrontations they begin to realize the same dark truth.

Those whom they trusted and loved have betrayed them.



My Review

Disclaimer: I received an eARC of Badon Hill from the author. This hasn’t influenced the review in any way.

Badon Hill is the second instance in The Wars of Wrath series, this sort of Arthurian retelling, despite I would say it is more accurate to say that the Arthurian things are only a big part of the whole book, as we also continue with the North-African part of the story, with Sabra trying to escape from Gurzil.

I think it’s a good way to start saying that all the elements I loved from Gurzil are in Badon Hill, and even improved. The pace is much better, despite I can understand if some people find confusing the multiple flashbacks.

On the Britain side, we continue with the history of George and Arthur, we get some brush strokes on the reason why George and Arthur are part enemies (including some great scenes on Camelot for the rescue of Morgana). More characters from the legends enter into action, as can be Gwenieve and Lancelot du Lac (yes, he is a Frankish knight). I don’t want to tell much more about some of the plots, cause it would be spoilers.

We are also introduced to more myths and legends, such as The King Lear, which for me is one of the most interesting parts, as it helps to explain how the succession worked before proper laws existed, and it expands how the old religions work; we are also introduced to the Fairy of the Pond, and certainly how the Lady of the Lake and Excalibur are approached have become one of my favourite parts.

Not only mythical elements are treated, as we are driven to the Badon Hill battle, one of the historical moments that drove the history of Great Britain, where Viking and the Anglo armies crashed, and which has plenty of great action scenes.

We continue following Sabra and her struggles in Lybia, and how she’s prosecuted by the Gurzil’s cult. Meanwhile, the decomposition of the Roman Empire and the forge of Byzantium Imperium is happening. We are able to contemplate how the tensions between different ethnic groups bring instability to the region.

I still identify some of the problems I found in Gurzil, but they are less prominent, as things such as using modern expressions. Language is adjusted on some occasions, which is something I appreciated.

In summary, if you liked Gurzil, you are going to love Badon Hill. It’s another great historical retelling, giving a new twist on some myths and legends that I really love, and I said for Gurzil, I reaffirm Wars of Wrath is a must-have series for lovers of Arthurian myths.

The Author/s

I, Anonymous

I, Anonymous

It is the storyteller’s sacred charge to keep such legends alive.

For when the mighty seek to smudge the heroes out of history; When the chronicler and the journalist record more lies than truth. It falls to the jester, the poet, and the playwright to remind people of the honor of courageous knights, the cruelty of tyrants, and the existence of monsters.

I write to preserve the legends of yesterday in hopes that others to come will record the legends of today.

For tyrants are feared, then reviled, and soon forgotten. Yet, for as long as men and women tell stories, legends will never die!

I am Outis, I am No Man, I am Nemo.

I, Anonymous