Free Burn, by Drew Huff
11 Mar 2024The Book

Love freaking hurts. Follow Triple-Six, an institutionalized, lovestruck outcast, as he fights to save the only girlfriend he's ever had from the reanimated clutches of her undead mother—the infamous pyromaniac serial killer he accidentally freed from Hell. Certain to please fans of Katherine Dunn and Jason Pargin, Free Burn is a darkly comic and surprisingly emotional horror story like nothing you've read before.
My Review
Free Burn is an intense and fast-paced horror novel, a gory hell of a story, written by Drew Huff (I can't believe this is a debut), and published Dark Matter INK. An authentic rollercoaster of a story, disturbing and unsettling at many points, not shy of exploring the darker parts of nature, which follows Triple-Six as he tries to fight against the psychopathic pyromaniac ghost which he has freed from hell (and which incidentally is the mom of her sociopathic girlfriend).
Our two outcasts (Triple-Six and Mallory) are in a big danger after Triple-Six performs the ritual that frees Lorraine's ghost; literally, the whole hell breaks in the confusion created. All meanwhile Triple-Six and Mallory are suffering due to having their childhood marked by trauma and toxic relationships. And that's gets reflected in the own romantic relationship that is established between them, defined by the codependence and the manipulative behaviours that sometimes happen between them.
Huff has absolutely nailed the pacing and the structure of the own book, always maintaining the high-octane of the main plot, but sometimes introducing scenes that could be called more contemplative, a way of discharge the tension in the moment it touches the peak. It helps that her prose is excellent, really visual, nailing the task of creating discomfort while also opening the characters' thoughts to you.
Believe me when I tell you that reading Free Burn is a limit-pushing experience, taking you to the extreme with scenes that are incredibly gory and impactful; I would lie if I say it was a comfortable experience, being closer to spectating Hereditary, for example. (As a recommendation, check the content warnings before reading this book).
Free Burn is an excellent horror novel, which explores trauma and unhealthy relationships through its characters, with a incredibly fast pacing, and that was an absolute discovery. Drew Huff is a name to watch in the horror scene, especially after seeing the excellence of her prose at impacting the reader.
The Author/s

Drew Huff
Drew Huff is the author of Free Burn, coming out in 2024 from Dark Matter INK.
An active member of the Horror Writer's Association, she enjoys writing stories that explore the intricacies of trauma, body horror, and fear. Her short fiction, “Word of Nellie,” is the closing story in Darklit Press’s “The Sacrament” anthology. Another short story was included in Hungry Shadow Press’s anthology, “It Was All a Dream,” and another short story, “Old World Birds” is being featured in Death’s Head Press’s anthology, “Hot Iron and Cold Blood.” Her short story “Same as it Ever Was” is being featured in Night Terror Novel’s charity anthology, and also a flash fiction piece, “The Bird, Frozen in Time”. She is currently editing her other novel, The Divine Flesh, and drafting another novel, The Exodontists.