Ghost Apparent, by Jelena Dunato

27 Sept 2024

The Book

Ghost Apparent
Pages: 111
Age Group: Adult
Published on 24 Sept 2024
Publisher: Ghost Orchid Press
Dark Fantasy
Available on:


Betrayed, deposed and presumed dead.

When her father is killed in a bloody coup and her uncle seizes the city, Orsiana pleads for help with the only power still willing to listen, unaware that the gods will use her as a pawn in their own game.

Thrown back on the streets of Abia, armed with the gods’ double-edged gifts, Orsiana must thwart her uncle’s plans and learn what it takes to rule a proud, stubborn city that thrives on artifice and wit. She will plot, fight and use lethally tuned verse to stir a rebellion. But just when her uncle’s Machiavellian schemes start to topple, a new player will enter the game, and the gods will raise the stakes. It’s easy to fight an enemy you hate, but how about an enemy you fall in love with? If she wants to win, Orsiana will have to risk the last precious thing in her possession: her heart.

A story of revenge and recovery, Ghost Apparent blends the history and folklore of the Eastern Adriatic with the bloody treachery of the Renaissance courts and is a perfect read for the fans of dark political fantasy.  

My Review

Ghost Apparent is a dark fantasy novella, written by Jelena Dunato, and published by Ghost Orchid Press. A story about the rise of a young woman to the power of the city of Abia, a complex and intricate political fantasy that further develops the folklore of Dunato's world (which is shared with Dark Woods, Deep Water) in a marvelous setting inspired by Adriatic history.

After her father, the gospodar of Abia, is assassinated in a coup organized by her uncle, Orsiana finds herself powerless in the streets of Abia. Desperate for help to stop the ongoing scheming, she pleads for help with the only power still available, becoming a pawn for gods' game; but even with the gifts given by them, she will have to fight against everything, especially those she appreciates, if she wants to keep the city she learned to love.

In only 100 pages, Dunato weaves a mesmerising story centered around Orsiana and her growth as character, how the force of circumstances acts as the engine for her change; going from the streets of Abia to the realm of gods, having to bargain with powers bigger than her, when a few hours ago she was just the daughter of the gospodar. At the end, in the center of her heart, Abia is what matters, putting the city over her own interests. 

Not only the central arc is compelling, but the worldbuilding deserves a mention. Dunato's prose borders the lyrical, being abundant in descriptions, creating strong imagery. While we already knew Morana, goddess of death from her previous book, the pantheon gets expanded, including more gods and their twisted ways to interact with humans.

Ghost Apparent is an excellent dark fantasy novella, great to be read in one sit, and that encloses a powerful feminist story. I totally recommend this one if you like political fantasy, or if you are a fan of Slavic folklore, as you won't be disappointed. At this point, I can say that I will read anything written by Jelena Dunato, who has proven again her talent as author.

The Author/s

Jelena Dunato

Jelena Dunato

Jelena Dunato is an art historian, curator, speculative fiction writer and lover of all things ancient. She grew up in Croatia on a steady diet of adventure novels and then wandered the world for a decade, building a career in the arts.

Jelena’s stories have been published in Beneath Ceaseless Skies, The Dark, Future SF and Mermaids Monthly, among others. She is a member of SFWA and Codex.

Jelena lives on an island in the Adriatic with her husband, daughter and cat.