In Midnight's Shadow (Tales of Isyr #2), by C.M. Debell

24 May 2024

The Book

In Midnight's Shadow
Series: Tales of Isyr
Pages: 276
Age Group: Adult
Published on 21 May 2024
Publisher: Self-published
Dark Fantasy
Available on:


They took everything, even his name. Now he has nothing left to lose.

Fifteen years before the events in The Many Shades of Midnight, Alyas-Raine Sera was betrayed and exiled by a man he thought of as a brother.Driven by a need for answers and desire for revenge, Alyas dedicates his life to opposing those responsible—his former king and the mining syndicates that control him. But with syndicate greed growing worse by the year, and disaster on the horizon, spiralling events will eventually lead him to a small mining town in Flaeres and a chilling encounter that will change everything.

Spanning the years of exile through to the immediate aftermath of the novel, this collection of seven stories reveals the pivotal events that shape the man who will reshape the world.  

My Review

In Midnight's Shadow: Stories of Exile is a collection of seven short stories, closely tied to The Many Shades of Midnight, written by C.M. Debell. While many of the stories can be considered previous to TMSOM, it is recommended to read this collection after finishing TMSOM, especially taking in account the final story is set after the ending of TMSOM; an expansion about the key character of this series, Alyas Sera-Raine.

This collection serves to expand and deepen on Alyas, but mostly through the eyes of those that were part of his life, with a special mention to Esar and Cassana. Understanding Alyas' fight against greed and the syndicates required context, and Debell is all for it, starting by narrating the peace that almost was fifteen years ago; a deal that was broken as a consequence of world's greed.

But not only that, but we also get to know a younger and more idealist Alyas, especially when Cassana is involved; he's passionate, and even during the years of the exile, he tries to get some opportunities to spend time with the person we know as his true love. It shows the softer and the more human part of Alyas.
Together with that, Debell makes us part of those days where Alyas is in the exile, trying to fight against the syndicates' interests, getting some questionable jobs but all with the same goal in mind.

After reading TMSOM, this collection has a deeper emotional impact, as I'm sure I'm not the only one that really loved Alyas as character, and with this collection, Debell goes harder in the purpose of emotionally destroy us; and together with her gorgeous prose, she definitely finds the sweet spot for it.

If you read TMSOM and were left craving for me, I totally recommend you to read In Midnight's Shadow; despite it can be read mostly as a standalone, you will get spoiled, so please, don't do it. Hopefully C.M. Debell continues expanding and fleshing this world, because I want to read more things written by her.

The Author/s

C.M. Debell

C.M. Debell

Fantasy fan since forever, coffee-obsessed, cake-loving Londoner, wife, mother, journalist, editor, designer, and cowrie collector.