My Name Isn't Paul, by Drew Huff
29 Sept 2024The Book

This is a story of guy meets girl.
Well, sort of.
They don't have actual genders once you peel their human skinsuits off.
Where were we? Ah, young love. Here we go: Guy meets girl. They make love. They make babies. Lots and lots of babies. They're not human.
My Review
My Name Isn't Paul is a cosmic horror novella written by Drew Huff. An excellent story built around interesting spatial creatures that, as a collective, can adopt human forms (forming a colony), with a biological cycle that drives towards destruction, intimately tied with reproduction, in a plot that not only shows Huff ability to write gorey, but also explores the identity vs collective dilemma.
We will be following one of these creatures (I will use creature as a synonym for colony), Paul, in their metaphorical journey that will take them through craziness and the final mania episode that tends to accompany their ending; from the meeting with those that could be considered their siblings, and how that puts in the spotlight the weirdness of how Paul tie their identity to the human form they acquired, including a reminder of how their time is running out.
We could say that this story is divided into two differentiated parts: a first one, in which Paul are struggling with their nature, running away from those that are like them; in the second, we become spectators of the final bloodfest episode associated to the moments that precede their inevitable ending, and how in this state, they need to be stop by others like them.
This novella is really fast-paced, but still has enough space to show hints of a quite interesting worldbuilding, especially with this notion of individuals that are formed by colonies (like bacteria formations) and how they are part of human society. Huff shows her talent to write intense scenes, not only on the violent side, but also on the dilemma experience by our main character.
An excellent novella that is a good taste of the talent in Huff's writing, perfect if you are looking for a different piece that you can read in one seat, and that is not shy of going to the extreme.
The Author/s

Drew Huff
Drew Huff is the author of Free Burn, coming out in 2024 from Dark Matter INK.
An active member of the Horror Writer's Association, she enjoys writing stories that explore the intricacies of trauma, body horror, and fear. Her short fiction, “Word of Nellie,” is the closing story in Darklit Press’s “The Sacrament” anthology. Another short story was included in Hungry Shadow Press’s anthology, “It Was All a Dream,” and another short story, “Old World Birds” is being featured in Death’s Head Press’s anthology, “Hot Iron and Cold Blood.” Her short story “Same as it Ever Was” is being featured in Night Terror Novel’s charity anthology, and also a flash fiction piece, “The Bird, Frozen in Time”. She is currently editing her other novel, The Divine Flesh, and drafting another novel, The Exodontists.