Of Cinder and Bone (Of Cinder and Bone #1), by Kyoko M.
8 Aug 2022The Book

After centuries of being the most dangerous predators on the planet, dragons were hunted to extinction. That is until Dr. Rhett “Jack” Jackson and Dr. Kamala Anjali cracked the code to bring them back. Through their research at MIT, they resurrected the first dragon anyone has seen alive since the 15th century. There’s just one problem.
Someone stole it.
Caught between two ruthless yakuza clans who want to clone the dragon, Jack and Kamala brave the dangerous streets of Tokyo to steal their dragon back in a race against time before the world is taken over by mutated, bloodthirsty monsters that will raze it to ashes.
Of Cinder and Bone is an all-new sci-fi romance thriller from the author of the Amazon bestselling Black Parade series.
My Review
Of Cinder and Bone is the first book of the homonym serie of books, written by Kyoko M. It starts from the premise of a world where dragons were a reality and currently, they are extinct; honestly, this was my main hook to pick this book and I can say it worked perfectly.
We are brought into the story of Jack (I negate to call him Rett, sorry) and Kamala, two brilliant scientists whose proposal is trying to bring back a dragon using technology. The whole process and the frustration after the failures are vividly painted, and in general, there’s something I want to bring the focus on: we are on a sci-fi story, but the characters are really well written, and for me, the trio formed between Jack, Kamala and Faye is marvelous.
Apart from that, I find the way they deal with the trauma after the dragon is stolen and how they have to confront the adversities a real strength of the book. I don’t want to spoil the book outside of some details, but the main characters feel real. Not superheroes or a supermen, just normal humans.
Plotwise, this book is really fast. All the time things are happening, and there aren’t many moments to rest, which is something I personally thanked. From the start to the end, the full plot will go without a pause. For a 400 pages book, it felt really short.
I recommend this book for the fans of Jurassic Park, as it is heavily inspired by this film, and for people who love sci-fi which is situated in the near future/ a near world. Solid book in definitive.
The Author/s

Kyoko M.
Kyoko M is a USA Today bestselling author, a fangirl, and an avid book reader. She has written the Amazon bestselling Black Parade urban fantasy series as well as the Of Cinder and Bone science-fiction dragon hunting series. The Black Parade has been reviewed by Publishers Weekly and New York Times bestselling author Ilona Andrews. Of Cinder and Bone placed in the Top 30 books for the 2021 Hugh Howey Self Published Science Fiction contest. She is also a contributor to Marvel Comics Black Panther: Tales of Wakanda (March 2, 2021). Kyoko M has appeared as a guest and panelist at such conventions as JordanCon, Geek Girl Con, DragonCon, Blacktasticon, Momocon, and Multiverse Con. She has a Bachelor of Arts in English Lit degree from the University of Georgia, which gave her every valid excuse to devour book after book with a concentration in Greek mythology and Christian mythology. When not working feverishly on a manuscript (or two), she can be found buried under her Dashboard on Tumblr or chatting with fellow nerds on Twitter. Like any author, she wants nothing more than to contribute something great to the best profession in the world, no matter how small.