Seasons of Albadone (The Eighth Chant #1), by Élan Marché and Christopher Warman

15 Aug 2022

The Book

Seasons of Albadone
Series: The Eighth Chant
Pages: 213
Age Group: Adult
Published on 9 Nov 2020
Publisher: Self-Published
Available on:


Four seasons.
Four stories.

An aspiring enchantress searching for a way to lift a terrible curse.
A drunken father makes a dangerous wish
.A foreman tilting the balance between nature and progress.
A mother traveling with her dying child in search of a healer.

Four paths merge.
Four destinies intertwine.

My Review

Seasons of Albadone is the first installment in the Eighth Chant series, written by Elan Marché and Christopher Warman. Written as a succession of seasons, it features four different stories that are intertwined, and which surprised me for the good. I really loved the book, and devoured it in a single afternoon while enjoying it so much.

Let’s start talking about Albadone, a world that we could describe as magical and close to folklore. In the question of development, I would say it is in a moment between Medieval age and Renassaince. We are going to mostly be in around of Sol Forne, a zone with a really dense forest, where these different stories will happen.

It is difficult to talk so much about the stories without spoiling them, but I want to highlight what is shared between all of them: a great look-alike other folklore tales, unexpected twists, and what for me is the main strength of Marché-Warman duo, how emotional they are. Almost all of them hit me hard (we can discuss the Spring one, but still). Characters are certainly unique, being my favourite the Mother, whose story is probably the one that impacted me most.

In definitive, I really enjoyed Seasons of Albadone, and I recommend it to any fantasy lover, as it is a really chill book, something you can take and read while chilling. Can’t wait to see what A Contract in Sol Forne brings with it.

The Author/s

Élan Marché & Christopher Warman

Élan Marché & Christopher Warman

Élan Marché & Christopher Warman live in Los Angeles, California. They are passionate about storytelling, cooking, film, and books.