Sordaneon (The Triempery Revelations #1), by L. L. Stephens

6 Aug 2022

The Book

Series: The Triempery Revelations
Pages: 540
Age Group: Adult
Published on 9 Nov 2021
Publisher: Forest Path Books (Independent Publishers)
Epic Fantasy
Available on:


Dorilian is blood bound to the Rill, a quasi-living artifact that spans continents and empowers a privileged few to reap the riches of an entire civilization. The problem is, decades after seizing control of the remaining god-machines, those privileged few aren’t willing to give up their power—even if that means imprisoning and destroying the human bloodline to which the Rill is tethered.

To reawaken the Rill and save their world, its ruler Marc Frederick must find a way to win over Dorilian Sordaneon, the last scion of the divine house that once controlled the Rill. Unfortunately, Dorilian hates him. And his family. And… everything.

My Review

Sordaneon is the first installment in The Triempery Revelations series, written by L.L. Stephens. It acts as the perfect entry point for a vivid universe and easily qualifies as one of the best books I read this year.

This book shines in many aspects but I would like to give the spotlight firstly to worldbuilding. Initially, I was attracted to the title with all the work that L.L. has on their website; I can say that it delivered much more than I expected, which wasn’t an easy task. The setting is so compelling, and I want to know more about the history/origins of the Triempery or about how the Entities were set. Because these two, the Wall and the Rill, are an integral part of the world and a pivotal point due to their relationship with the Highborns.

It is true that we can sense disorientation during the first 30-40 pages, but it is fastly solved as we advance into the world of Triempery. Another aspect that is pivotal to this factor and that helps so much in the immersion is how well the world is described, you can almost feel as if you were in the different places that appear.

This is a story that is mostly driven by the characters, and this is another of the characteristics that made Sordaneon as good. We have two or three main characters, depending on how you prefer to count, and they are an angular piece to the plot’s development. While Dorilian’s process is really interesting, and I love how he is in a need of deconstruction to reach his real potential as a Highborn, one of the few that can enter in contact with the Rill, I felt more attracted by Marc Frederic. While being King, and being one of the enemies of the Sordaneons, the family of Dorilian, he must work with Dorilian in order to be able to get his plans working.

Politics are central during the whole story and are really well treated, making them really interesting to follow, which is another of the reasons I become hooked with this book. And it is complemented with enough action to not make it feel static, just as a good meal has the exact amount of spice. Slowly cooked, the story will take us to a really emotional climax, which is the perfect culmen of the whole novel.

I loved Sordaneon, and I recommend it to any fantasy fan, and even I think it’s enjoyable to sci-fi ones if they like a character-driven plot. Definitely is a great book, and I cannot wait for The Keld King, the second installment of this series, which will be released in September 2022.

The Author/s

L.L. Stephens

L.L. Stephens

L.L. Stephens is a hot modern female with delusions of supervillainy trapped in the body of a little old lady. Weekdays, she writes epic fantasy sagas and the occasional erotic novel or story. On weekends she plays card and board games with her husbands’ Big Italian Family, cooks delicious family meals, and paints board game miniatures. Occasionally she visits family in Wisconsin and Ohio and aspires to at long last visit the son in Georgia.