The Blood Stones (Legends of the Bruhai #1), by Tori Tecken

28 Dec 2023

The Book

The Blood Stones
Series: Legends of the Bruhai
Pages: 480
Age Group: Adult
Published on 1 Nov 2023
Publisher: Self-Published
Epic Fantasy
Available on:


His name is not worthy.

A traitor is executed, his name ripped away from history. Now the kingdom stands on the brink of a succession war that could bring the country to its knees. Forces stalk the darkness, moving pawns into place in a deadly game.

Gehrin and his brothers were not meant to witness the execution, but now they find themselves trapped in the center of a political quagmire. When Gehrin faces the loss of everything he knows, will he also lose himself?

To the south, tribal warlords clash in an endless cycle of violence. Syndri, the daughter of a chieftain, kills for the honor of her people. An alliance with a foreign queen offers the power to unite the tribes, but at what cost?

Someday, history will remember them as legends.  

My Review

The Blood Stones is the first book on the epic fantasy saga Legends of the Bruhai, an ambitious and solid proposal written by Tori Tecken. A novel that is a love chant to the genre, providing the foundations for what seems to be a complex story that will spawn for several books.

A novel that is really character driven, which can be divided itself into two storylines that share across some themes as the identity problems and the struggles to become part of a group; while seemingly unrelated, towards the end we will get a glimpse of what we can expect from forthcoming books.
The first of our characters will be Gehrin, a young boy who, against his father's wishes, decides to assist as witness to the execution of the man who murdered the prince; a crime that is punished with death and becoming a nameless, forgotten and erased from history. This act will leave a big impression on Gehrin, appearing in his dreams; but after not much time with this trauma, he's kidnapped and brought to a mysterious place, where they aim to wash away the identity of the boys trapped there, and carve into them a new one.
In parallel, we are introduced to the second main character, Syndri, daughter of a tribal chieftain, immersed in an unending cycle of violence between them. When a terrible act is committed, Syndri is stripped of her name and position; recovering it will become part of her own. A storyline that is much more political and action focused than Gehrin's one, slowly preparing us for the conflict that seems to come.

A plot that is seasoned with the addition of several secondary characters that add depth and complexity to it, such as Xaros, older brother of Gehrin, who has made a career out of military, and who wishes to be outside of the political game his family is in. While they don't have as much as importance as the lead ones, they help balance the story and introducing us to the multiple details of a world where Tecken has poured her soul.

We can't finish the review without giving a mention to how Tecken's delivers an excellent prose, rich in descriptions and that helps us to get a stunning image of the places included in this book. It's not a book heavy in fantasy elements, but changes it for adding more into character development and exploration of trauma.

The Blood Stones is an excellent first instalment of what seems to be an epic series; Tecken has proven her skill as author, putting the foundations for a second book that can't come soon enough.

The Author/s

Victoria Tecken

Victoria Tecken

Hey friends! I’m Tori. When I was a little sprout my epic fantasy storytelling involved small pirate and animal figurines who would brutally invade peaceful lego villages. Inspired early on by the powerful storytelling of writers like Jack London, Brian Jacques, and Francine Rivers, I was obsessed with characters I couldn’t get out of my head and the possibility of worlds undiscovered.

After writing a few books, being a self-published author starting at age 14, and teaching at Young Writers’ Conferences for a few years, I went to college. I married the weirdest boy I’d ever met. We now have three small humans of our own who are just as weird as we are, but much more wonderful.

Today, I’m a wife and a stay-at-home mom, but I’m still a storyteller. I write beneath the supervision of two feline overlords in a chair that is older than I am. And I wouldn’t have it any other way. Pull up a chair and join the chaos. I hope you find a world here that you can’t wait to go back to.