The Genesis of Change (Records of the Order #0.5), by Livia J. Elliot

15 Jul 2024

The Book

The Genesis of Change
Series: Records of the Order
Pages: 149
Age Group: Adult
Published on 16 Jul 2024
Publisher: Self-published
Philosophical Fantasy
Available on:


Élan; the chaos-tamer, the record-breaker. Verve; the one behind the rise and fall of thousands of civilisations. Two alchemists, each sent on a mission by the leader of The Orders-The Rector.

Élan must shatter their mentee's humanity to train her as an alchemist, while Verve must define the unexplainable existing within a respected healer. When their missions reveal clues that could reformulate alchemy, they'll edge closer to fathom The Rector's goal while facing an endless conundrum-to remain as is, or to learn and adapt.

The genesis of change is near.

My Review

The Genesis of Change is a prequel novella part of the Record of the Order series, written by Livia J. Elliot. A dark fantasy novella that does a deep dive into philosophical themes, creating a mind-breaking experience, an experimental read that invites to think and reflect while following the story.

Two extremely powerful alchemists are sent by the enigmatic leader of the Order, the Rector, in their own inexplicable mission. Élan is tasked with preparing a new apprentice in the Towers, devoid her of her humanity in order to transfigure into a new alchemist; and Verve is sent to investigate the unexplanaible mystery regarding a healer's mind, which is deemed by the Rector as the key.
Both character convictions will be tested and especially, we will see how they will have to choose between keeping their high status, or embracing the change that can take them in uncertain paths.

The way this novel is structured can remember to The Realm of Prophets series written by E.J. Doble, using the story as a pretext to discuss different complex philosophical concepts, such as identity and pain; however, in comparison, this one is a much darker story, especially as Elliot does an excellent job adopting the voice of her characters, which are powerful entities, ignoring human suffering and using it as a medium for their goals.

This is not an easy read, as it will invite you to think about the themes shown, and is not afraid of portraying suffering; but at the same time, is a really satisfactory experience. You can see and experience the potential on Livia's stories, so hopefully this is just the first of many more.

Note: you can get the ebook for free subscribing to Livia's newsletter.

The Author/s

Livia J. Elliot

Livia J. Elliot

Livia J. Elliot is an Australian-based author of psychological, dark fantasy fiction with heavy theme work. She writes books, and also books-with-choices available through the app Unearthed Stories. She hosts the podcast Books Undone, specialised in deep-dives and thematic analyses of speculative fiction.