The Last Ranger (Ranger of the Titan Wilds #1), by J.D.L. Rosell

10 Jan 2023

The Book

The Last Ranger
Series: Ranger of the Titan Wilds
Pages: 466
Age Group: Adult
Published on 27 Dec 2022
Publisher: Self-Published
Epic Fantasy
Available on:


Betrayed. Hunted. Left for dead. But not even death itself can keep the last ranger from vengeance.

Leiyn “Firebrand” is no stranger to a fight. A brash ranger of the Titan Wilds, she takes up her bow to ward against the colossal spirit creatures known as titans, ever a threat to the colonies she has sworn to protect.

But no amount of skill can guard against treachery.

When tragedy strikes the rangers’ lodge, Leiyn vows to avenge the fallen. But if she is to succeed, she must embrace a power within her she has long denied.

Power to move mountains and rivers.

Power over life and death.

She did not choose this path, but Leiyn knows her duty. For if she fails, the legacy of the rangers dies with her — and all the Titan Wilds will fall into shadow.

My Review


The Last Ranger is the initial book in the new epic fantasy series Ranger of the Titan Wilds, by J.D.L. Rosell. The story is set in a colonial world, with a vast extension of nature in between the cities, called the Titan Wilds, which is the home to several spirit creatures and natural forces, of which Rangers take care and keep in sight, avoiding the disasters they could bring to the cities.

Our main character, Leiyn, is a member of this group, a Baltesian ranger that protects the borders with the Baltesian colonies. She's living a good life until tragedy strikes over the Rangers' Guild, after treachery is consumed; Leiyn left as the only survivor, having to start a journey of discovery and self-acceptance, as she will have to deal with the machia that is inside her, which she has rejected and considered as a curse from birth.

Leiyn, and her forced journey towards paths she didn't expect to follow are the main focus of the story, while showing some of her characteristics, such as her hate towards the Ghast (due to the death of her mother). While at the start I would say she's not really a likable character, seeing how she progresses and ends up accepting what she's in reality, is a really cathartic read. Most of the elements she thought they were immutable change due to the treachery they experienced, and having to reconstruct herself from scrap, and in such a dangerous situation is certainly an experience.


The plot also implies a conflict between the colonies, the natives of the land, and the conquerors that originally came to this land, being the reason for the treason Rangers experienced. The theme of colonialism is presented in this novel, presenting how the different factions react to it.

And let's talk about the aspect that for me was the most remarkable, worldbuilding. The Titan Wilds and the cities are really interesting, and we get to discover them through the eyes of Leiyn; that vast extension of forest, those colonial cities, and an element I would like to be able to see more, Nature Titans, as they appear in counted moments of the story, so I expect them to appear more in the following books. It's a world with heavy vibes to Horizon Zero Dawn, and also, at least in my opinion, to sixteenth-century South America. 


The way Rosell narrates the story makes it really hooking and an authentic page-turner. The structure of including some flashbacks of Leiyn's past in between the story chapters works really well, making the pace really good, slowing it down when needed, and sometimes accelerating when the story starts to feel a little bit stale (especially when there are several chapters together of just traveling).

In general, I think this is a really solid book, whose sequel I would like to read, because I think there's so much potential in the world of Ranger of the Titan Wilds. If you are in the awe of an epic fantasy story, or you just want a sorcery and bow book, The Last Ranger is perfect for you. 

The Author/s

J.D.L. Rosell

J.D.L. Rosell

Josiah, aka J.D.L. Rosell, is the author of the Legend of Tal series, the Ranger of the Titan Wilds series, The Runewar Saga, The Famine Cycle series, and the Godslayer Rising trilogy. He has earned an MA in creative writing and has previously worked as a ghostwriter.

Always drawn to the outdoors, Josiah ventures out into nature whenever he can to indulge in his hobbies of archery, hiking, and photography. Most of the time, he can be found playing video games or curled up with a good book at home with his wife and two cats, Zelda and Abenthy.