The Winds of Change (The Elements of Time #1), by Sam Paisley

1 Apr 2024

The Book

The Winds of Change
Series: The Elements of Time
Pages: 798
Age Group: Adult
Published on 25 Jul 2023
Publisher: Self-Published
Available on:


Destiny, personal responsibility, what the future holds – common concerns for anyone graduating high school. But usually not because of a cosmic war between timeless beings where you’re the central player.

As the end of school quickly approaches, and Cooper Bailey watches his perfect world slip away, his only concern is savouring every last minute of his high school career. For his best friend, Reid Patterson, graduation is a doorway to the future, where his discipline and focus will finally allow him to meet his true potential.

When a mysterious mirror-masked man begs for their help to stop a dangerous heretic, Cooper and Reid find themselves thrust into unknown worlds, wrestling with a destiny as old as time itself. As the truths about their roles in the universe unfold, and enemies disguise themselves as allies, their only hope is to trust each other - and learn fast!

Far from home and in mortal peril, Cooper and Reid attempt to hone their newfound abilities and come to grips with their purpose for being.

My Review

The Winds of Change is the first book in the science fantasy series The Elements of Time, written by the Canadian author Sam Paisley. A new adult coming of age story at first sight which slowly evolves into a more complex plot, following a pair of friends whose life will definitely change after their encounter with a mysterious man.

Cooper and Reid are two friends in their last year of high school, their worries don't go further than what they will do the next year; but when a mysterious masked man approaches them to ask for assistance to stop a heretic, they will start a journey that takes them to unknown worlds and put them in the middle in a timeless war between immortals. But if we learn something soon, is that appearances are deceiving, and our pair will need to learn much before really taking a side in the conflict.

A novel with an intriguing and imaginative worldbuilding, especially creative during the trials our heroes have to endure in order to prove themselves worthy; there is also a really cute animal companion you should really know. And in the center of all, our two friends that are the definition of besties; they complement each other perfectly, making a really balanced pair.

I have to say that I found the pacing the weak point of this book, as it was too slow-burn for my taste, especially taking into account the coming of age nature of this book; the writing is really competent, but I would have preferred less exposition in the first part of the book. We can find ourselves a bit confused by the given info.

Said that, if you are looking for a new adult coming of age story, with relatable characters, The Winds of Change fulfills perfectly that definition; a solid debut by Sam Paisley, who I hope to continue exploring this universe.

The Author/s

Sam Paisley

Sam Paisley

Sam was born and raised in Toronto, Ontario Canada.

Driven by a lifelong passion for storytelling, Sam has made it his mission as an author to create worlds and stories that bring joy and escapism to others.

Having completed the first entry in his Elements of Time trilogy, he his hard at work on the final two instalments.