When You Leave I Disappear, by David Niall Wilson
6 Aug 2024The Book

USA Today bestselling author David Niall Wilson's When You Leave I Disappear is a literary horror novella in which a bestselling author's imposter syndrome draws her into a darker and darker world from which she may never escape.
My Review
When You Leave I Disappear is a really interesting literary horror novella written by David Niall Wilson, and published by Shortwave Media. A tour-de-force in the genre, an exercise that plays with metafiction and such a constant theme for writers as impostor syndrome, while creating a quite unique reading experience.
A novella that blends together mystery, thriller and spine chilling moments, all woven together about the experience of being a creative, and what is attached to it; a main character that is struggling with imposter syndrome, Andrea, while having to deal with the pressure attached to her career and future. It hits close, especially when our focus shift towards the recognition and the fear of not be noticed.
At the beginning of our story, we might feel a bit confused as a consequence of how Wilson decided to execute this kind of metafiction, the smart reader will start tying together the hints left by the author. Slowly, you will get engulfed by the intensity of the novella, and soon, you won't be able to put it down until you reach the conclusion, blowing your mind in the process.
When You Leave I Disappear is, simply, excellent. An exploration of impostor syndrome from the perspective of the creative itself, thrilling and deep touching. A total recommendation, especially for creatives, as they might see themselves in the character of Andrea (each one in their own measure), and to anybody who loves experimental fiction.
The Author/s

David Niall Wilson
David Niall Wilson has been writing and publishing horror, dark fantasy, and science fiction since the mid-eighties. An ordained minister, once President of the Horror Writer 's Association and multiple recipient of the Bram Stoker Award. He lives outside Hertford, NC with the love of his life, Patricia Lee Macomber, His children Zane and Katie, occasionally their older siblings, Stephanie, who is in college, and Bill and Zach who are in the Navy, and an ever-changing assortment of pets.
David is CEO and founder of Crossroad Press, a cutting edge digital publishing company specializing in electronic novels, collections, and nonfiction, as well as unabridged audiobooks and print titles.